Five Attributes of Enduring Family Business
Christian Caspar, Ana Karina Dias, Heinz-Peter Elstrodt / McKinsey Quarterly, 2010, 1
As family businesses expand from their entrepreneurial beginnings, they face unique performance and governance challenges. The keys to long-term success are professional management and keeping the family committed to and capable of carrying on as the owner .
Exploring the concept of familiness: Introducing family firm identity
Thomas M. Zellweger, Kimberly A. Eddleston, Franz W. Kellermanns / Family Business Strategy, 2010, 1-1, 54-63
Our paper contributes to the overarching question: ‘‘How does the family contribute to firm success?’’ We investigate which families are most likely to build familiness. Specifically, the organizational identity dimension of familiness reflects how the family defines and views the firm, which can facilitate performance advantages through leveraging familiness both internally and externally.
The promise of the strategy as practice perspective for family business strategy research
Mathias Nordqvist, Leif Melin / Family Business Strategy, 2010, 1-1, 15-25
Family firms represent the most common form of business organization in most countries. This is, however, not yet reflected in the amount of strategy research devoted to family firms. In this article we suggest that the strategy as practice perspective can help to achieve rich understandings and develop useful knowledge about strategy making in family businesses.
Beleidsvorming bij transities van het familiebedrijf
Jurgen Geerlings / Familiezaken, 2017-5, 20-24
De strategische besluitvorming is bij familiebedrijven complexer dan bij niet-familiebedrijven. Het is van belang om niet alleen na te denken over de consequenties voor het bedrijf, maar ook over de consequenties binnen de familie. In dit artikel worden verschillende voor de praktijk relevante strategische vragen besproken vanuit het perspectief van de familie, het bedrijf en de eigenaren.